I get sad about her a lot...She so truely believed that her life was one destined to fail that she decided she would give up on it. That it would be better off to just die, and then take everybody with her into a happier afterlife. It's a pretty awful thing to do: but I understand why she wanted to do it.
I relate to her a lot as a trans person as well!! Feeling like your body is unlovable is a very lonely feeling, I wish that Sayo knew that Battler, George and Jessica would have accepted her no-matter what the condition of her body is.
I really wish Sayo got to live... She just wanted to be understood, but maybe she's happy with Battler in the Golden Land, if you believe it exists.
I do not really have anything insightful to say other than that Sayo Yasuda best girl!! I'm sorry that it's a very short page, but, If I try to say anything more, I might end up crying T_T.